Version 8.3
2025/01/11 |
- Segments belonging to the same paragraph: On horizontal and vertical views, segments belonging to the same paragraph are shown separated by a dashed line.
- Analyze report: Analyse report can now be displayed on a chart format.[Use table_chart_view]
- Document statistics: Information on Document statistics can be displayed on a chart format. Toggle between table or chart views using table_view and table_chart_view.
- Delete linguist: A warning message will be shown when trying to delete a linguist that has a task assigned.
- Shorcuts for Mac: Improved the shortcuts for Mac users. 'Alt' key corresponds to the keyboard_option_key 'Option' key.
- Add term hightlights: Highlighted terms and autosuggestions are updated after adding a term.
- Copy selected text: Copy "selected text" on source/target to Concordance, Glossary lookup and online dictionaries.
- Segment content search: Added a new button for direct Segment content search (old Miscellaneous tab). [Go to Edit > Find and Replace > Segment content]
- MT suggestions: New icon for MT suggestions.
- Bug fixes:
- Protect second upload when there has been an issue.
- Clean html code and invalid characters after Edit source.
- Use of Tab key on segment to copy placeables.
- Word from source starting with a capital letter saved correctly when using autosugest.
- Segment Content > Tag difference search.
- Concordance TU counter.
Version 8.2
2024/11/16 |
- New search options: New search options have been added to Find and Replace. [Go to Edit > Find and Replace > Miscellaneous].
- Note on shared documents: When sharing documents use the "Note" field to add information to the guest user.
- Term count: Term count is updated on Glossary Panel when new terms are added while translating.
- Help on dialogs: Help links have been added to the dialogs for quick reference. [lightbulb_2 on the dialog header]
- Bug fixes:
- Tag content difference on some copied tags.
- Update TU count when adding a new TU.
- MT custom fields made bigger.
Version 8.1
2024/10/05 |
- Open TM/Glossary panels in new windows: You can now open the TM or glossary panels in a new window. [Go to Setup WFA > Pandora's Box > #17].
- Process status color: The status bar color has been improved to show the current process status. [Help page > 4.6.6 Status bar colors and messages]
- Delete language pairs and documents: Buttons for deleting language pairs and documents are better organized, and warning information has been enhanced.
- Bug fixes:
- Added glossary information to terms displayed in the Glossary panel.
- Removed spaces between tags in Machine Translation (MT) suggestions.
Version 8.0
2024/08/26 |
- New icons: All the icons have been given a fresh new look..
- New styles: Styles have been harmonized, unified, and clarified.
- Dark theme: A Dark theme option is available. [Setup WFA > General Box]
- Multiple writable TM/glos: Assign up to 2 writable TMs and 2 writable glossaries for a document..
- ChatGPT 4o MT: ChatGPT 4o has been added to the custom MT predefined configuration list. [Setup WFA > MT Box]
Version 7.1
2024/03/02 |
- Timeout for QA warning messages: Setup a time for the QA warning messages to be displayed before they are automatically closed. [Setup WFA > QA]
- Open TM/Glossary lookup in new windows: Choose if TM or glossary lookup windows should be opened in a new window. [Setup WFA > Pandora's Box > #17]
- Edit TM/Glossary symbolic name: Edit/Update the TM/Glossary symbolic name.
- Copy tags: Tags can be copied for all the segments of the document [Edit menu > Copy tags] or for the opened segment [Translation menu > Copy source tags]
- Edit TU user ID: Edit/Update the TU user ID. [WFA menu > Profile]
Version 7.0
2023/10/03 |
- UI style redisigned
- Button display: Buttons are displayed when they can be used, when project is opened, when document is opened, when segment is opened.
- New features: Jump to provisional segments on translation menu, Download a project backup (.zip), Copy project skeleton on project menu.
- New possible shortcuts: Global TM&glos dialog, Upload document, Jump to empty segments, Jump to provisional segments, Decrease target height.
- Button moves: Insert char, Case changer from Edit menu to Translation menu; Copy and Delete TU from TM&Glos menu to the TM panel result row; Delete history for all segments from statistics dialog to Edit menu; Delete history for one segment when viewed in the TM panel row.
- Button merge: File Info and Statistics into Statistics on File menu
- Dialogs improvement: Setup; User profile; Linguist management; Upload and download => all the steps gathered with a summary; Document share on standard project => All the steps gathered with a summary, guests entered in the linguist management are suggested by languages.
- Advanced project: Workflow shares improved; Possibility to move back to the previous task; PO template improved => Supports pictures, groups PO emails by linguist and PM when sending; Assigning job to linguist improved , can show WFA training badge also visible in user profile.
Version 6.4
2023/07/01 |
- Free version: Wordfast Anywhere has a new free version if your credit has expired including the 1 month trial at 1$. This version has a monthly limit of 15000 words.
Version 6.3
2023/01/01 |
Version 6.2
2021/09/03 |
- Purchase Order: On Advanced projects, a Purchase Order is used when document is shared with linguist. The Purchase Order template can be build on the user profile.
Version 6.1
2021/08/13 |
- Multiple documents selection: Available for extracting unique and frequent segments.
Version 6.0
2021/07/17 |
- Project Management: Project has been introduced with a standard mode for translator working alone as before and the advanced project for project managers working with several linguists.
- Languages pairs and documents: The project contains languages pairs that contains documents. The list of documents is therefore sorted by language pairs.
- TMs and glossaries: A global TM and Glossaries setup dialog is now located on wordfast anywhere menu and used only for management (create, add, upload, merge, edit, download, delete... ), no more for assignment. Assigning TMs and/or glossaries is done when setting up a language pair in the project setup. It can also be done, as before, for a selected document using the TMs and glossaries
button in the File menu.
- Menus and buttons: The Help menu and the AutoAligner
buttons have been moved to the Wordfast Anywhere menu. The Upload and Delete buttons of the File menu have been moved and integrated in the project panel. Project files (*.glp) are now managed with the Import and Export buttons in the Project menu. The global behavior has been improved showing menus and buttons in context.
- Multiple documents selection: Multiple documents selection with checkboxes is now possible for Download, Analysis, Pre-translation and TMs and/or glossaries assignment.
- Close segment option: Add a new close option Close Retain
in the Translation menu. On closing segment, target is retained but not saved in database.
- Jump empty segment: Only open segments with empty target. The button is a toggle
that can be stopped at any time.
- Find & Replace: Add a new feature in the Find & Replace tool for unbreakable space and other special character. See the More checkbox.
- Merge Bilingual: The Merge Bilingual
button has been improved and simplified. Old related features have been moved to a new TM tool Upload TM from bilingual document.
- Number replacement: There are new space characters for date and number conversion in Pandora's box #8 Configure Auto-suggest.
Version 5.14
2020/09/05 |
- Machine Translation: Added the Intento MT engines portal.
Version 5.13
2020/08/01 |
- Machine Translation: Improvement of MT engines management now found on a special tab in the Setup dialog.
- Machine Translation: 3 possibilities of customized engines. ModernMT added in a preselection option.
- DeepL: Added the formality setting.
Version 5.12
2020/06/20 |
- DeepL: Add new languages ZH, JA for source and target and Brazilian Portuguese for target only.
- MT: Add MT usage and score in the configuration
Version 5.11
2019/11/16 |
- Untranslatable: Untranslatable Segments (not having letters) are copied to target and next segment is opened. The feature is active by default but can be disable in the Setup, see Pandora 's box #18.
This feature will have a configuration in a second step to define more cases of untranslatable segments.
Version 5.10
2019/09/18 |
- Split segment: The Shrink feature has been improved, it is now possible to cut with the cursor and it is working with character languages like Chinese.
Version 5.9
2019/06/05 |
- Upload: Possibility to choose a TM and glossary other than the current one when uploading a document. Possibility to upload a TM or glossary from an URL location.
- Download: Possibility to use advanced filters for document and TM. It can be used for downloading a clean TM or a clean set of TUs for training a MT engine.
- TM search: The windows has been improve by adding new parameters for filtering the search.
Version 5.8
2019/03/04 |
- Document sharing: It has been improved to share TM and glossary at the same time and more than one document.
- One Drive: Like Google Drive and Dropbox, you can now use Microsoft One Drive.
Version 5.7
2019/01/26 |
- Kantan MT: kantan provides a confidential and customized Machine Translation service that learns from your translations. See
- Sanitaze TM and bilingual document: Translation memory and document can be sanitize through the advance filtering dialog. See the new download list box for TM and the download option filtered Bilingual for document. This cleaning can be useful for preparing a file for MT training.
- TM to bilingual: A TM can be downloaded as a bilingual TXLF document. See the new option in the existing export format list box after Excel.
- XML and MQXLIFF formats are now available. For XML there is a new tab in the configure filters configuration to import an extraction rules file.
Version 5.6
2018/12/22 |
- Custom MT: You can add a new MT engine by configuring it.
Version 5.5
2018/12/08 |
- TM download filter: A TM can be downloaded filtering on date, user ID or attributes. See TM download option beside format.
Version 5.4
2018/11/26 |
- Package: You can upload and download a project file from and to Wordfast Pro 5. This package is a compressed file containing selected documents, translation memories and glossaries. For Upload just select a *.glp file and for download choose the new package option.
Version 5.3
2018/09/20 |
- XLIF: The editor is now mainly based on XLIF. Some formatting bold, italic and underline are displayed with their opening and closing tags. The expand/merge functionality for segments has been improved. Globally this version tightens compatibility with Wordfast Pro 5.
Version 5.2
2018/04/06 |
- TM edition: Improve TM edition by adding a new tags deletion button in edit tab, adding a new button add TU in TMs and glossaries tab and allowing offline download.
Version 5.1
2018/03/24 |
- MT languages: Added DeepL to the list of MT engines.
Version 5.0
2018/03/01 |
- New login pages: More simple, more secure, more mobile friendly.
- Multilingual UI: The version comes with French and Spanish but is ready to be translated to other languages with a collaborative translation page accessible through your profile.
Version 4.23
2017/11/08 |
- MyMemory TM import: Contribute your TM to MyMemory or import it private. See the MyMemory choice in the download options.
Version 4.22
2017/10/28 |
- MT languages: Update new available languages for Microsoft, Google and Yandex.
- MyMemory MT and TM: When setting MyMemory MT, you can also lookup a MyMemory TM by giving the key.
Version 4.21
2017/09/23 |
- Internal fuzzy matches: Internal fuzzy matches can be added to the analysis. It need to be enabled in the Pandora's box #17 in the Setup.
Version 4.20
2017/08/25 |
- Extract unique segments: The Extract frequents tool has been improved adding also the extraction of uniques segments. Go to File tab and use the Extract Frequents button.
Version 4.19
2017/05/16 |
- Notes Report: You can download a report with segments having a note. Go to File tab and use the Download button, there is a choice for notes. Provisional segments and revisions can be added to the report.
Version 4.18
2017/04/29 |
- TM and Glossaries setup now available from File tab and TM & Glossaries tab with same functionality. Settings can now be done even when no file is selected or opened.
- Document Share Beta: New features have been added to document share. A document can now be shared between several users allowing multiple editors to be working at the same time in the document due to a reservation system when opening the document.
Version 4.17
2017/03/31 |
- TM edition: For TM under 100.000 lines, a document extracted from the TM can be opened in the document Panel. because the TM is associated with this document, updating this document update also the TM. The feature Edit a TM is a choice in the TM tools button.
Version 4.16
2017/03/21 |
- New Aligner: When clicking on the aligner button, You will find the option Wordfast Aligner (copy-paste document text).
Version 4.15
2016/12/17 |
- Yandex.Translate: New MT engine which need a key but has a free amount of 1,000,000 characters a month.
- Microsoft Translator remaining bugs solved.
Version 4.14
2016/12/10 |
- Microsoft Translator: We prepare the configuration to accept the key generated on the new Azure portal.
- Machine translation: We improve the management of an engine failure. It can be disabled without going to the Setup and the engine can recover by itself as soon as it is avaiable again.
- Glossary paging for Wordfast Anywhere glossaries. You can now visualize all the terms of a standard WFA glossary and even update them.
Version 4.13
2016/11/26 |
- Offline mode: Give the possibility to work for a while when there is some Internet or server issue. The segments are save locally and then save automatically to the server when the connection or server is back online. This feature is not working when FireFox is in private navigation mode.
- Double click: A new configuration is possible to use double click to open, close or close and open by clicking on the segment or the segment source or just the number. See Pandora's box #10.
- Add a management of unwanted sessions break with automatic recovery and a warning if it is abnormally frequent.
Version 4.12
2016/10/22 |
- Unit convertion: This new feature is also in a beta state and will help users when translating a text that contains measures (Metric or Imperial). Possible conversions will be added to the auto-suggest list. Enabled by default in Pandora's Box #8
- Double click toggle to open/close a segment.
- Glossary paging for remote TMGR glossary.
Version 4.11
2016/09/24 |
- Glossary improvements and changes : The attributes can be displayed in the glossary panel when clicking on the term. Highlighted terms in the source segment have different background colors for different glossaries. Glossaries are sorted after download.
- New privilege when sharing a TM to allow guests to see the email of other guests.
- New feature for MT to enable it on already translated file. See the "Enable MT for review" check box in the MT configuration. It is useful for a bilingual file when source segments are copied to the target.
- Lots of small improvements like TBX file upload and download, showing tag content in the status bar and in a popup if clicking on the status bar, some new FAQ articles.
- Many bugs fixed with MyMemory operation, adding a remote glossary with a given URL, glossary counts, Auto-suggest, Google and Dropbox access and more.
Version 4.10
2016/06/25 |
- 4 more new Insert char buttons are now available in the Edit tab. Go to Wordfast Anywhere tab =>
Setup button for customizing them in the Pandora's Box tab #5. 4 more shortcuts has been created to match them: Shift+Ctrl+1 until Shift+Ctrl+7. It can be customized in the Shortcuts tab. click on the Restore default shortcuts to add them all.
- 1 new Delete targets button also in the Edit tab to empty all targets from the document. Please use it sparingly.
Version 4.9.0
2016/06/14 |
- The segment tool bar has been implemented back. Go to Wordfast Anywhere tab =>
Setup button. It can be enabled in the General tab and customized in the Pandora's Box tab #17
- Concordance matches are now sorted by date.
Version 4.8.0
2016/05/25 |
- Glossaries can now be downloaded to TBX format.
- Spellcheck dictionaries have been updated and new languages have been added.
Version 4.7.0
2016/05/12 |
- Voice Speech feature has been added. This new feature is in a beta state and only available for Chrome on Translation tab =>
Web Speech Beta button and will allow users to dictate the text of the target segment when a segment is opened. For more information check Help tab => Manual button.
- View tab =>
Document Layout can now be mapped to a shortcut. No key combination has been assigned, you need to set in on Wordfast Anywhere tab => Setup button.
- Text selection to add terms to the glossary has been improved. Now several words can be selected on both source and target to add them to the glossary using the shortcut (default, Ctrl+Alt+T).
- Notification warning has been made more visible, now a red text will be shown on the top bar next to the tabs names. Remember notifications are shown on Wordfast Anywhere tab and should be removed after reading.
Version 4.6.0
2016/03/26 |
- The small Share button in the TMs and glossaries management dialog has been improved and simplified. The big Manage sharing button is kept for advanced sharing.
- New option for a confidential document share which do not allow download. See File tab => Share button.
- A document can be opened in WFP4 online even if it is already opened in Wordfast Anywhere.
- The Find & Replace tool in Edit tab can now find and replace on the source segment.
Version 4.5.0
2016/02/20 |
- New IATE glossaries, build from the IATE dowload at
- The status bar has been improve again adding the glossary information.
- A document can be shared in read only. When a document is shared in the normal way, the guest can work and the owner can see the document in read-only. If the document is shared in read-only, the owner can work and the guest see the document in read-only.
Version 4.4.0
2015/11/28 |
- New MT engine MyMemory. It offers 1000 words per day. No key needed.
- New target character counter in a new cell of the status bar.
Version 4.3.0
2015/10/28 |
- New Tools button to reverse and assemble TMs and glossaries.
- Improvement of the statistics report to show words and characters percentages.
- Possibility to download multiple TXML files.
Version 4.2.0
2015/10/21 |
- Custom tab: You can customized the last tab to have your own buttons used for translation in one place.
Version 4.1.1
2015/10/06 |
- The tabs can be opened either with the click or with the mouseover. Go to the Setup to configure.
- Improvement of the Analysis and pre-translate process.
Version 4.1.0
2015/10/03 |
- The tabs are opened with the mouseover
- We added an auto-hide buttons mode. it is not set by default. if you want to try go to Wordfast Anywhere tab => Setup button => tick Auto-Hide buttons
- The outline status (open/close) is now saved even after a logout.
Version 4.0.0
2015/09/26 |
- New User Interface: All commands are re-ordered in a new top panel. 8 new tabs containing buttons.
Version 3.7.1
2015/08/02 |
Assembling of TMs or glossaries: You can assemble several TMs or glossaries of the same language pair and download them as one file. In a second step, you can upload that new TM or glossary and remove the old ones.
In the TMs and glossaries dialog, selected first the TMs or glossaries by checking them in the active column then click on the assemble button.
Version 3.7.0
2015/07/25 |
- Tilde Terminology service: A new type of glossary has been implement giving access to Tilde Terminology service. In the glossary setup click on the add button then choose Tilde Terminology service.
Version 3.6.0
2015/05/23 |
- Machine translation: Add Iconic MT engine for patent translation. See the detail in the MT dialog how to use it.
- TM usage: Some improvement with the read-only mode and a new icon has been addded to the status bar on bottom right.
- Segment tool bar: You can now configure the buttons you want to keep on the bar.
Version 3.5.0
2015/05/09 |
- Auto-propagate: Add a button on the segment toolbar after the provisional button to propagate the target on all the same source in the document.
Version 3.4.0
2015/04/25 |
- Cloud storage: Dropbox has been implemented as a new storage for upload and download of files.
- MT: Improvement of configuration dialog.
- Auto-suggest: Add chunks of MT and an improvement to trigger the auto-suggest.
- TM rules: Add the option: Do not overwrite existing TU
Version 3.3.3
2015/03/14 |
- Cloud storage: Google drive has been implemented as a new storage for upload and download of files.
Version 3.3.0
2015/03/03 |
- New welcome page: Wordfast Anywhere start new. Security has been strengthened with a more attractive welcome page.
You can reset your password even if your login is not a valid email by using the security question.
The security question and answer can be set in your profile.